If you have ever visited a forum before than you are probably well aware of the fact that you can add your own personalized signature. This signature line will appear below any message that you post on the forum. In the past people have used this feature just to put in some type of unique signature. Now however more and more people are using this feature as a way to advertise various items. You can advertise your website, or if you are trying to get referrals to your site this is also a good way to accomplish this task. If you really want your cool signatures to make money for you than you really need to have a cool signature. The best way to do this is to change your code so that you can really personalize your signature. This can be done by using what is known as the Bbcode or HTML code. You need to figure out exactly which one your forum is using in order to make the necessary changes. Just keep in mind that they each use different brackets which really make the difference when entering your codes for the signature. Of course in order to make your signature cool you do not need to really use the codes. Most forums have editors which makes easy to write your message. Believe it or not it really is that simple. The key is to make your signature really catch someone's attention. Remember that you want them to actually click on any link in your signature and go to the site that you want them to visit. For example many people do this in order to get referrals. This means that you have to put some thought into your signature. You can make it a flashy signature link that is bold and in very large font. This will definitely grab someone's attention and may even peak their curiosity.
